Monday, July 6, 2015

The Dark Lord of the Sith

After only a couple of days work, Darth Vader is done - and the photos don't come close to doing him justice. I really need to get better at taking photos of miniatures.

I think this photo shows the glow of the lightsaber quite well.

This one shows the highlights on the back of the cloak, which I am really happy with. Getting highlights on black are supposed to be hard, but following the guide and being able to get a lot of subtle different mixes really make this come to life.

He took less than half the time I expected, and I really do put it all down to the wet palette. This is what it looked like when I was done with Vader. It looks like there is a lot of paint wasted, but I was getting less than half of what I used to out of the pot, and still getting too much. Some of these sections have also had as many as ten different mixes of colour in them, adding different effects.

If you want to see how I did this, have a look at Episode 7 of Sorastro's Imperial Assault Painting Guide.

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