Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jyn Odan - The Rebels Prepare

This is another case of the miniature looking much better under normal light than under lighting for my crappy camera setup.

Jyn Odan came together really well, and a lot faster than I thought she would. Again, the combination of the wet palette and the magnifier really speeding up my painting.

Also, I am getting better. I think the photos at page render size are much more representative of the mini in reality, the larger photos are what they look like under about 5x magnification, and that isn't the quality my painting is aiming for.

I am still working on improving my highlighting skills, but I like where I am getting, I think the jacket came out great. The final thing I did was add a watered down gloss varnish to the jacket to give the leather a sheen, but while it looks great, I think I could have watered it down a little more and make it a little less shiny. Oh well.

This is my first attempt at doing eyes. A simple technique, but I think they came out very well.

The details of the jacket at the bottom I could never have done without the magnifier, not this well.

I am catching up with the Sorastro Imperial Assault guides, and getting faster. I am enjoying the quality of what I am getting following his guides, so I am not planning on jumping ahead, but if I catch up I will work on other stuff.

You can see Jyn unpainted from my post back on the 1st of August.

Next up, Wookies.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cave Troll - Reaper Bones 77004 - My first detailed effort with a magnifier.

So I bought a $10 magnifier on eBay. It does 2x and 4x magnification and I wanted to see what I could do with it.
I also wanted to start painting some Reaper Bones mini's I had in detail. There is one I started about 6 weeks ago that didn't go well, but this is a new one I started only Friday night, and with both my new practice and the magnifier, I think it came out really well.

So, without further delay... The Cave Troll!

To say I am happy with him would be an understatement. I think he is my best work yet, and I didn't follow any guide. This was pure me.

There is some highlighting that isn't done the way it's generally accepted it should be done. But whatever, I think he looks great.